PHPCompatibility Code



If you use PHPStorm, you can automatically fix this issue. Follow the Auto-Fix Inspection in PHPStorm guide.

If you don't use PHPStorm, you can follow the guide below to make those changes manually.


class A extends B
    function A()
class B
    function B()

$var = new A();


class A extends B
    function __construct()
class B
    function __construct()

$var = new A();


Do not merely use parent::__construct, as that can overlook an edge case that was only possible with the PHP 4 style constructors. Consider the following code:

class A extends B
    function A()
class B extends C
    function B()
        throw new Exception('This should never be called');
class C
    function C()

$var = new A();

If we were to replace $this->C() with merely parent::__construct, then we'd be executing the wrong constructor and alter the original logic. This is why we need to call the specific class' constructor using A::__construct. PHPStorm's replacement is therefore the correct one.