In this short video,Zend Principal Engineer and PHP expert Matthew Weier O’Phinney gives a summary of the Laminas Project, it’s transition from Zend Framework, and changes to Zend Framework technology names. 

What Is Laminas?

The Laminas Project is Zend Framework! We transferred Zend Framework over to the Linux Foundation, and that prompted a name change as well. The Laminas Framework is the new name for Zend Framework.

Open Source, Open Governance

Laminas framework gives us the benefit of an open governance model, which allows anybody to come in and contribute and help direct where the project is going to go. Which, in the past, people have often felt that since Zend is sponsoring this, that Zend is maintaining the direction and that they didn’t necessarily have a say in it – even though it was open source all along.

By moving to this model, we are sending a clear message that we'd like community involvement in helping us define where we go in the future.

Changes to Technology Names: Zend Framework to Laminas Framework

We did rename a few things. So all the expressive components came over as Mezzio, and that’s the new project for our middleware runtime. Likewise, Apigility got renamed to Laminas API Tools. It still provides you all the features, including the nice GUI for building out and describing your API as well as a runtime for delivering it.

Additional Resources

To learn more about Laminas, Laminas framework, and Laminas migration services and enterprise support, please visit the pages linked below.

Need support for your Laminas framework project? Learn more about Laminas Enterprise Support by Zend via the link below.